Column: Helicopters or hummingbirds: Why families should engage in their child's education

Instead of the 'helicopter' parent constantly hovering over their child, the author suggests a balance by being a "hummingbird" parent. 

Excerpt: "Rather than constantly hovering, perhaps we should become "hummingbird parents," staying at the edge of engagement, but buzzing in regularly yet briefly for quick support. Striking this balance will allow our children to feel both supported and independent, while keeping quality relationships with educators intact."

Commentary: Successful students who are independent and self-reliant manage the college experience and life with confidence and resilience. A "hummingbird" approach to support will do well in developing that successful student and young adult.

To read the article, go to:  "Helicopters or hummingbirds . . ."

Opinion, Commentary, NewsYuki Fukumoto