Building Parent Capacity

The PARENT Notebook™

“We are the only one that takes parents from kindergarten to college and career readiness.”


It’s a 2-in-1 notebook. Both the English and Spanish versions are in one notebook.

  • Cover page for a student picture

  • Five-tabbed sections

  • School and contact pages

  • Academic information

  • Pockets to save student information


The Design

The notebook curriculum was designed to be implemented by an on-site, in-house facilitator.

The easy-to-implement format and language was by design to build the capacity of the personnel within a school and district.

The expectation is for on-site, in-house facilitators to continue to develop their expertise while continuing an on-going relationship with their families beyond the workshop experience.


a Comunity School Notebook

Elem Cover.jpg


Grades K-5/6

MS Cover Span.jpg


Grades 6-8

HS Cover.jpg


Grades 9-12

It’s empowering to see parents bring their notebooks to parent-teacher conferences . . . they are now prepared to meet with teachers and are ready to take full advantage of the parent-teacher conference.
— Principal, Middle School

School and Career Notebook for Students Grades 9-12

This is a notebook for the student.

It is a complement to a student’s digital portfolio and is a way for high school students to collect information for their journey beyond high school.

It is especially useful for foster and migrant students who need a “traveling” portfolio of their school and work experiences.

It is a tool to aid the student in a transient environment.



School/Career 9-12