Screen time for kids under 2 more than doubles, study finds News, ResourcesYuki FukumotoMarch 26, 2019
What’s your child expected to know and do on the state test? Resources, NewsYuki FukumotoMarch 25, 2019
Setting Goals Is a Key to Success for Students of All Ages. 5 Tips From a Chief Academic Officer in Developing Your Child’s Goal-Setting Habits Opinion, News, ResourcesYuki FukumotoMarch 19, 2019
If girls are bad at math, should we blame their mothers? News, Research, ResourcesYuki FukumotoMarch 11, 2019
Most U.S. kids not meeting sleep, exercise and screen time targets Research, Resources, NewsYuki FukumotoMarch 8, 2019
Listen Up: We Can Bridge the STEM Divide with Family Engagement Strategies that Empower News, Resources, blogYuki FukumotoFebruary 21, 2019
Standing up to children’s screen time requires parents address their own News, Opinion, ResourcesYuki FukumotoFebruary 11, 2019
Developing Life Skills in Children: A Road Map for Communicating with Parents News, Research, Resources, SurveysYuki FukumotoFebruary 5, 2019