A Game of College - Can you get into college, finish a bachelor’s degree and avoid taking on too much debt? Play along and find out. News, ResourcesYuki FukumotoAugust 1, 2019
There’s a Cell Phone in Your Student’s Head Digital, News, Research, ResourcesYuki FukumotoJuly 31, 2019
Starting Smarter: New Websites for Parents CA Smarter Balanced (CAASPP) (ELPAC) California, News, Resources, Upcoming & ContinuingYuki FukumotoJune 28, 2019
Extracurriculars Are More Than Nice-to-Have: They’re Essential Resources, NewsYuki FukumotoMay 22, 2019
A ‘Bot’ That’s Changing the Game for College Selection Software, News, ResourcesYuki FukumotoMay 20, 2019
Want to raise successful kids? Harvard, MIT study says doing one thing at age 4 could make them happier and wealthier in life News, Research, ResourcesYuki FukumotoMay 9, 2019