New Data: College Enrollment for Low-Income High School Grads Plunged by 29% During the Pandemic News, ResourcesYuki FukumotoMarch 5, 2021
PROOF POINTS: 10,000 student study points to kindergarteners who may become heavy screen users News, Research, ResourcesYuki FukumotoFebruary 26, 2021
An Educator’s View: 6 Simple Steps for Parents and Teachers to Maximize Learning During COVID’s Second Wave Opinion, Resources, NewsYuki FukumotoFebruary 24, 2021
Parent Engagement in Student Achievement and How Schools Can Help News, ResourcesYuki FukumotoFebruary 22, 2021
An interview with SEL expert Elizabeth Englander on preserving social-emotional learning during the pandemic, the key to managing screen time — and why families should eat dinner together interview, Resources, NewsYuki FukumotoFebruary 16, 2021
Key to Preventing Children’s Learning Loss — and Social Regression — During COVID-19 School Closures: Support from Family and Peers, Study Finds News, Research, ResourcesYuki FukumotoFebruary 14, 2021
Remote school is stressing parents out. Here’s how to tame the anxiety. News, ResourcesYuki FukumotoFebruary 11, 2021
‘Simple, accessible and fun’: Teaching experts’ tips for parents News, ResourcesYuki FukumotoFebruary 9, 2021
Family engagement professionals become first responders, develop creative ways to connect with students and parents Resources, NewsYuki FukumotoFebruary 2, 2021
School Family Engagement with Grandfamilies in Mind News, Resources, PublicationsYuki FukumotoFebruary 1, 2021
Over-parenting: Let kids fail, learn to be resilient Commentary, News, ResourcesYuki FukumotoJanuary 29, 2021