Measuring Parent Engagement: Early Lessons Learned from the CA School Dashboard California, News, Research, ResourcesYuki FukumotoOctober 15, 2019
Having Your Smartphone Nearby Takes a Toll on Your Thinking Digital, News, ResearchYuki FukumotoAugust 26, 2019
Big Disconnect Between How Much Money K-12 Gets and How Fairly It's Spent News, Research, ResourcesYuki FukumotoAugust 20, 2019
Map: How Much Money Each State Spends Per Student News, Research, ResourcesYuki FukumotoAugust 8, 2019
There’s a Cell Phone in Your Student’s Head Digital, News, Research, ResourcesYuki FukumotoJuly 31, 2019
How Parents and High Schools Can Cultivate Ethical Character and Reduce Distress in the College Admissions Process News, Publications, ResearchYuki FukumotoMay 14, 2019
Want to raise successful kids? Harvard, MIT study says doing one thing at age 4 could make them happier and wealthier in life News, Research, ResourcesYuki FukumotoMay 9, 2019
Story Time, Not Screen Time: Why E-Books Aren’t Better for Toddlers News, Resources, ResearchYuki FukumotoMay 6, 2019
What Parents And Teachers Need To Know About The Teenage Brain And Executive Function News, Research, ResourcesYuki FukumotoApril 19, 2019
If girls are bad at math, should we blame their mothers? News, Research, ResourcesYuki FukumotoMarch 11, 2019